How to preserve the beauty of your leather furniture: care tips for Swiss households


Leather, a timeless and durable material, can be found on sofas and chairs in many Swiss households. However, leather requires special care to preserve its beauty and suppleness. In this guide, you will learn how to optimally care for your leather furniture with leather milk and leather cleaners so that it looks like new for years to come, even in German-speaking Switzerland.


Despite its strength, leather shows sensitivities that stem from its natural origin. One of the biggest risks for leather is exposure to sunlight and heat. These elements can draw moisture out of the material, leading to a deterioration in elasticity. Long-term exposure can cause the leather to become brittle, start to crack and lose its colour. The situation is similar with liquids; although some types of leather undergo a water-repellent treatment, water damage can be irreversible if liquids penetrate the material and are not removed promptly.

Dust and dirt pose a further threat to leather surfaces. Although they may seem harmless, fine particles can work their way into the pores of the leather and act like sandpaper when moved or used. This abrasive effect can gradually wear away the surface and affect its appearance.


In view of these challenges, the importance of proper leather care should not be underestimated. Developing and selecting care products that are tailored to the specific needs of leather is crucial to maintaining its quality and aesthetics. Products such as leather milk and leather cleaner are specifically designed to nourish, protect and keep leather clean without stripping the natural oils or damaging the material.

Leather milk, often enriched with natural oils and waxes, plays a key role in maintaining the suppleness and natural lustre of the leather. These products help to protect the material from drying out and maintain its flexibility. On the other hand, leather cleaners gently remove dirt and stains from the surface without using harsh chemicals that could dry out or discolour the leather.


Leather is a material that is valued for both its physical and aesthetic qualities. Caring for this material requires an understanding of its natural sensitivities and the threats posed by external influences. By using specially developed care products, the longevity and beauty of leather items can be ensured for future generations, making the investment in this natural resource even more valuable.


Choosing the right leather cleaner

  • Always test first: Before using a leather cleaner, you should test it on an inconspicuous area to ensure that no discolouration or damage occurs.

  • Choose gentle formulations: Opt for mild, pH-neutral cleaners that won't dry out the leather.

Application of leather milk

  • Regular care: Leather milk helps to keep the leather supple and protect it from drying out. Apply a thin layer of milk every few months and buff it in with a soft cloth.
  • Avoid over-care: Too much leather milk can over-care for the leather and clog its pores. Less is more here.

Care of leather sofas and chairs

  • Protection from direct sunlight: Position your furniture so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Regular cleaning: Use a soft, dry cloth to remove dust and dirt weekly.
  • Deep cleaning: For a deeper clean, use special leather cleaners that gently remove dirt without damaging the material.


Can I use normal household cleaners on my leather sofa?

No, aggressive chemicals in household cleaners can damage leather. Use special leather cleaners.

How often should I treat my leather furniture with leather milk?

As a rule, one treatment every 3 to 6 months is sufficient, depending on use and environmental conditions.

Can I use water to remove stains from my leather sofa?

Caution is advised: A slightly dampened cloth can be used for light soiling. However, avoid getting the leather too wet as this can lead to stains and deformation. For stubborn stains, we recommend using a special leather cleaner.

What do I do if the leather on my sofa or chair cracks?

Cracked leather is often a sign of dehydration. Start with gentle cleaning and then apply a high-quality leather conditioner to restore moisture. For deep cracks or damage, it is best to seek the help of a professional leather restorer.

Are leather care products safe for all types of leather?

Not every product is suitable for all types of leather. There are different types of leather, including smooth leather, suede and nubuck leather, which require different care products. Always read the product instructions and carry out a test on an inconspicuous area to ensure compatibility.


Caring for leather products, be it furniture, clothing or accessories, is an art that requires specific knowledge and the right products to preserve the longevity and beauty of the material. To acquire this knowledge and gain access to the best products for leather care, there are a variety of resources and literature available. The recommendation to visit specialised shops in German-speaking Switzerland as well as trusted online resources is based on the belief that quality information and products are crucial for the effective care of leather.


Specialist shops not only offer the advantage that customers can inspect and select products directly, but they also offer the opportunity to receive personalised advice from experts. These experts have in-depth knowledge of different types of leather and their specific care requirements. They can give advice on which products are best suited to the customer's individual needs, be it for cleaning, maintaining moisture or protecting the leather from environmental influences.


The internet is a treasure trove of information and products relating to leather care. There are numerous websites, forums and blogs dedicated exclusively to leather care. These online resources can provide instructions, product reviews and tips from other leather lovers. The advantage of online resources is their wide availability and the ability to gather a variety of opinions and experiences on a particular topic or product. However, when accessing online resources, it is important to assess the credibility of the information. Websites of established speciality shops, reputable leather care brands and trade associations usually offer reliable information and high quality products.


There are also a variety of books and specialised publications that deal with leather care. These publications can provide deeper insights into the science of leather care, historical and traditional care methods as well as modern techniques and innovations. Specialist books are often a good investment for those looking to deepen their understanding and skills in leather care. Libraries, bookshops and online platforms are good places to find such publications.


Access to reliable resources and further reading is crucial for the effective care of leather products. The combination of personalised advice in specialist shops, the extensive information provided by trusted online resources and the detailed insights of further reading provides a solid foundation for anyone looking to get the best out of their leather products. By utilising these resources, leather lovers can ensure that their treasured pieces last for years to come and retain their natural beauty.